On The Liberal Patriot of course!
"Here is the uncomfortable fact Democrats need to face: whatever the outcome of the 2022 election, Democrats’ uncompetitiveness among white working class voters and among voters in exurban, small town and rural America puts them at a massive disadvantage given the structure of the American electoral system. This problem has only been exacerbated by recent slippage in Democratic support among nonwhite working class voters. Without better performance among these voter groups, Democrats’ hold on power will be ever tenuous, as will be their ability to actually fix the problems they say they want to fix.
To address this problem, I suggest a three point plan for reform and renewal. I covered the first two parts of this plan in my last two posts:
Democrats Must Move to the Center on Cultural Issues
Democrats Must Promote an Abundance Agenda
This week I will discuss the third and final part of the plan.
Democrats Must Embrace Patriotism and Liberal Nationalism
Let’s face it: today’s Democrats have a bit of a problem with patriotism. It’s kind of hard to strike up the band on patriotism when you’ve been endorsing the view that America was born in slavery, marinated in racism and remains a white supremacist society, shot through with multiple, intersecting levels of injustice that make everybody either oppressed or oppressor on a daily basis. Of course, America today may be a racist, dystopian hellhole, but Democrats assure us that it could get even worse if the Republicans get elected. Then it’ll be a fascist, racist, dystopian hellhole.
Hmm. This doesn’t seem like a very inspirational approach."